Research and Develoment

Wildlife Population Management Without Killing

Research and Development


Our scientists respond to requests from our stakeholders to formulate for testing, fertility control products to meet the needs of animal over-population. Products are formulated as non-lethal, acceptable for EPA, FDA, or USDA regulatory approval.

Products developed will each have a small-batch of prototype product produced for early testing.  Instructions for scale-up manufacturing and quality control will be provided by our scientists.

Practical Field Application

In concert with our R&D activities we provide field application recommendations and/or partner with organizations for initial trials. Population modeling for efficacy testing will also be provided.

Animal Health

Animal health criteria and assessments will be provided for every project under the purview of the FYXX Foundation.  All animal care and use protocols will be followed as mandated by the Animal Welfare Act where prescribed by granting organizations.


Consulting services are available for fertility control project designs, assessments of efficacy, and training.

Research Publications

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